文/ Marshall Arisman
譯/ 黃立佩
我們應該要注意,在此「純美術」(fine art) 的用詞並不是意味素質的判決,儘管它本意為此。藝廊和美術館展示的圖像,無關乎題材、作品尺寸與重要性,都被人稱作「純美術」。其實「純美術」真正的意涵是藝術家表現個人題材的藝術作品。所以在我看來,不斷成長的多媒體舞台上圖像的廣泛應用,讓使用『插畫』和「純美術」之類的術語來區分具象繪畫變成多此一舉。當一幅畫作(或者說「具象美術作品」)被放在書皮上提示故事內容,它就是插畫,無論其原意為何。當圖像被應用,也就是被雜誌、書本、廣告、動態媒體(電影、電視、錄相或電腦動畫)運用來提昇文本、販賣和製造氛圍等,我們稱之為插畫。因此我認為,大部分的美術系藉由表明且有時堅持畫廊和美術館是展現作品的唯一合適場所,而錯失了替學生們的創作開拓舞台的契機。
Marshall Arisman (2006), Introduction, Teaching Illustration, Allworth Press
Marshall Arisman為著名的畫家、插畫家及教育工作者。現任紐約視覺藝術學院(School of
Visual Arts)視覺論述插畫研究所所長,也是第一位受邀至中國展出的美國藝術家。『插畫教學』(Teaching
Illustration)一書為Marshall Arisman與名設計師與紐約時報前任藝術總監Steven Heller合編,作品定期刊載於紐約時報、時代雜誌等。
插畫其實就像電影配樂一樣,有時是拿最適合的現成曲來搭配,例如電影「2001太空漫遊」開場的「查拉圖斯拉特如是說序曲」;有時是為情節量身打造原創新曲, 如久石讓為宮崎駿電影所作的諸多曲目。這些配樂與純樂曲的差別是「用途」而非「素質」,儘管獨立賞析也同樣引人入勝。當然,也有作品性質是「必須」和情節或文本同時欣賞才算完整,如果忽視這類型創作的本意而硬要將整個作品分解為獨立物件來評判,可能有失公正。插畫作為視覺論述的意義難以言表,暫且以例為證:著名心理學家榮格(C. Jung)自認最重要的著作,是他親手繪製佔據整書極大篇幅之插圖的紅書(The Red Book)。
paintings and drawings of Marshall Arisman have been widely exhibited, both
internationally and nationally. His work may be seen in the permanent
collections of the Brooklyn Museum, at the National Museum of American Art and
the Smithsonian Institution, as well as in many private and corporate
Mr. Arisman's original graphic essay, "Heaven Departed," in which
paintings and drawings describe the emotional and spiritual impact of nuclear
war on society, was published in book form by Vision Publishers (Tokyo, 1988).
Chairman of the M.F.A. degree program at the School of Visual Arts in New York
City, Marshall Arisman was the first American invited to exhibit his artwork in
mainland China. His series, "Sacred Monkeys," appeared at the Guang
Dong Museum of Art in April 1999.
Mr. Arisman is the subject of a full-length documentary film directed by Tony
Silver titled "Facing the Audience: The Arts of Marshall Arisman."
The film will have its premier showing at the 2002 Santa Barbara Film Festival.
Iconic artist
Marshall Arisman was born and raised in Jamestown, New York. He is a master
painter, illustrator, sculptor, printmaker, filmmaker and educator.
His work may be seen in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of
Art, Brooklyn Museum, the New York Historical Society and the National Museum
of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, the Guang Dong Museum of Art, Telfair
Museum of Art, as
well as many private and corporate collections.
His illustrations have appeared on the covers of Time, U.S. News and World
Report, The Nation, The Progressive, The New York Time Book Review. His
editorial work has appeared in every national publication including Esquire,
Rolling Stone, Playboy, The New York Times Op-Ed page, The Village Voice and
Business Week.
His original graphic essay Heaven Departed, explores the emotional and
spiritual impact of nuclear war on society. The essay was published in book
form by Vision Publishers (Tokyo, 1988).
Among his other books are The Cat Who Invented Bebop (winner of the bronze
medal by ForeWard magazine books of the Year Award) published by Creative
Editions. He has co-authored four books with Steven Heller: The Education of an
Illustrator, Inside the Business of Illustration, Teaching Illustration and
Marketing Illustration (all published by Allworth Press).
Arisman was the first American invited to exhibit in mainland China in 1999.
The exhibition Sacred Monkeys, appeared at the Guang Dong Museum of Art.
He is the subject of a full-length documentary film directed by Tony Silver
titled “Facing the Audience, The Arts of Marshall Arisman.” The film received
the Creative Achievement Award from the 2002 Santa Barbara Film Festival.
He is the Chairman of the M.F.A. degree program, Illustration as Visual Essay,
at the School of Visual Arts in New York.
Museum of
Art, as well as many private and corporate collections.
His illustrations have appeared on the covers
of Time, U.S. News and World Report, The Nation, The Progressive, The New York
Time Book Review. His editorial work has appeared in every national publication
including Esquire, Rolling Stone, Playboy, The New York Times Op-Ed page, The
Village Voice and Business Week.
His original graphic essay Heaven Departed,
explores the emotional and spiritual impact of nuclear war on society. The
essay was published in book form by Vision Publishers (Tokyo, 1988).
Among his other books are The Cat Who Invented
Bebop (winner of the bronze medal by ForeWard magazine books of the Year Award)
published by Creative Editions. He has co-authored four books with Steven
Heller: The Education of an Illustrator, Inside the Business of Illustration,
Teaching Illustration and Marketing Illustration (all published by Allworth
was the first American invited to exhibit in mainland China in 1999. The
exhibition Sacred Monkeys, appeared at the Guang Dong Museum of Art.
He is the subject of a full-length documentary
film directed by Tony Silver titled “Facing the Audience, The Arts of Marshall
Arisman.” The film received the Creative Achievement Award from the 2002 Santa
Barbara Film Festival.
He is the Chairman of the M.F.A. degree
program, Illustration as Visual Essay, at the School of Visual Arts in New